MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions Technical Journeys

Imagen de las 19 Jornadas MacDermid

In an increasingly dynamic environment, in which changes are constantly occurring and everything is evolving rapidly towards increasingly effective and productive solutions that encompass all the processes that can occur within companies, it is essential to have high-level suppliers that are a perfect partner in this journey.

On this occasion, the MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions team visited our facilities to give us a presentation of the latest developments in the current market and, on the other hand, to set our sights on the near future with new coatings for sectors such as the electric car.

This conference was of great interest for our company, as not only ideas for new processes were gathered, but also solutions for such important chapters for us as purification and environment, in which we are putting a great effort and which has become one of our basic pillars in our strategic plan.

Many thanks to MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions for their visit and presentation.

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